Commitment to Change (3): Facing the Opportunity of the Unknown

Transformation – becoming someone new, someone so different you can’t return to your former self.

My ‘conscious commitment’ to love myself has been forefront for the past 30 days. As I mentioned last week, this commitment was a surprise to me. But since it was such a surprise, I also knew it must be what I must do!

I barely had a plan for the 30 day period. How could I? This commitment was taking me beyond who I was and into someone new – a more true me. Change that leads to transformative calls us out of our present constructs and into a new reality of true self. This process cleanses us of the habit pathways that take us back to the old self.

The first step was to affirm “Just for today I really love myself”. I told myself to break it down and take baby steps. Baby steps create momentum and rhythm. Baby steps also allow me to easily retrace my steps to the point of success before moving forward again.

On a daily basis, this simple and conscious commitment challenged my routines, my beliefs about what is possible for me, and chipped away at any obscurity of my goals to make them crystal clear and more true to who I am becoming – a person filled with deep love for me.

Has my inner peace increased? Yes, measurably so. And you? Just for today …

Feathers, Rainbows & Roses is again offering a two-day workshop Cultivating a Joyful Life: Health & Vital Self Care. This is a perfect opportunity to explore, develop and solidify your own commitment to change. Love yourself. Pass your love along to someone else too – refer this workshop to soemone else and if they attend, you will receive a 10% discount on your next session with Shirley Lynn.

Saturdays October 27th & November 10th, 2012, 9am – 5pm

For additional information and to register for the Cultivating a Joyful Life: Health & Vital Self Care workshop, please contact Shirley Lynn Martin today!