Wisdom’s Way to Peace
Wisdom’s Way to Peace is a Whole Life Therapies system – a holistic mind, body, and spirit process that allows each of us to identify and break through our innermost barriers to achieving peace, serenity and spiritual depth.
You have the power to lead a fulfilled and joyful life. You can embrace and benefit from the gifts of nature and sacredness, as I have. The authentic and honest path to your success as an individual, a partner, parent, or friend lies within you.
How can you find your path?
How can you achieve what you want and need?
How can you overcome the challenges that restrain you?
How can you find and “free” the person that you really are?
The Wisdom’s Way to Peace process requires mental and spiritual courage, the willingness to change, and being honest with and about yourself. And, it requires help from a trusted advisor and partner. That partner is me: Shirley Lynn Martin .
My support for you integrates the techniques of life coaching, spiritual-ethical direction, life and spiritual awakening coaching, Reiki meditation and spiritual healing (often with energy medicine balancing effects), energy tapping therapy, energy balancing techniques, and inner values conflict coaching. My years of training, and expertise in these approaches, allow me to select the most appropriate, integrated process of Soul Coaching for you to break through the barriers, and quicken and deepen your spiritual transformation.
As we move forward toward your Wisdom’s Way to Peace, know that we are together.
You can live your life in fear or choose to get support and accomplish what really matters to you even if you are, at first, a little afraid. That just means that you are human—and we are all human. When you realize that you are not alone, receiving help along your journey quickly changes from fright to empowerment. When you take that first step, and reach out for Wisdom’s Way to Peace, your mind and spirit will also be open to feeling joy, competence, and being connected and loved.
Are you ready to change?
Discover more about Soul Coaching or contact me to get started on your journey.
What Shirley Lynn’s clients say about Wisdom’s Way to Peace
I have grown in so many ways. I am able to set healthy boundaries, have compassion, learning to love and accept myself, and most importantly taking good care of myself. I have gained confidence and trust that is leading me to a life that fulfills me.
I have started to realize I need to make myself a priority and take care of myself. I take time each day to meditate and journal to help with this process.