Imagine …
- A time and place where mindfulness and conscious living is as natural as breathing
- Knowing that you are valued and belong to a supportive community of like-hearted visionaries who share your passion and commitment to a life rooted in peace
- Having the courage to live the life purpose that totally ignites you
- Feeling safe enough to speak your truth, to be who you truly are
- Being a conscious parent/leader/guide to our children so they will learn to also live consciously in this world
- Being in right relationship – with yourself, with others, with Nature, with Spirit
… You may say that I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one
I hope someday you’ll join us
And the world will be as one!
– John Lennon, Imagine
Peace Circle is a safe place to explore, expand and anchor our way of being in the world by promoting peace within as well as to the global domain. It is a place to be supported and empowered by like-hearted visionaries as you walk courageously in the world as a peace-maker ~ peace-walker ~ peace-builder in this time of rapid change and shifting consciousness in our world.
When we gather in Circle, we move into a deeper sense of space and connection, opening to the sacred wisdom that exists in all of us. It evokes in us the ancient memory of sitting around a fire, where, held in its light and warmth, we share what is most real and life-giving to us.
The practices of Peace Circle invite us to open to a different rhythm of being, to the power of community and to the transformational potential at the heart of our sacred stories. Here we develop our inner wisdom and provide a rich environment to hear and live our true nature and calling in the world. Through speaking our wisdom and learning from others in a process of shared leadership, Peace Circle becomes a place to remember what we already know and to listen more courageously for what is ‘next’ to know.
My name is Shirley Lynn Martin and I’m passionate about activating peace in our hearts and ways of being. I’m passionate about creating sacred space, where together, we develop our collective wisdom to best create a culture of peace and right relationship in every area of our lives.
As a PEACE CIRCLE facilitator, I draw upon over 20 years of experience as a Soul Coach, Reiki Master/Teacher, whole life therapist and ordained Reverend. Peace Circle provides a great opportunity for me to bring together my training, my passion, purpose and wisdom. I’m grateful for my diverse formal (as well as informal) training, especially in the field of ‘Circle work’ from some of the best trainers in the field. I honour them as I now step into sharing Peace Circles with you.