A Vision for 2014: Creating Peaceful Relationships

We are not human beings on a spiritual journey. We are spiritual beings on a human journey.

While we are free to choose our actions, we are not free to choose the consequences of our actions.

Nothing is more exciting and bonding in relationships than creating together.

Opposition is a natural part of life. Just as we develop our physical muscles through overcoming opposition – such as lifting weights – we develop our character muscles by overcoming challenges and adversity. Steven Covey

Now that we have stepped into 2014, some perhaps more excitedly than others, let’s explore what this year can hold for us. In preparing for this coming year, we listened for a theme or a word this past fall that would help us focus our energy, our time and resources, our talents and passion in 2014. One day a theme surfaced in our conversation – creating peaceful relationships. It captured my heart. YES! At Feathers, Rainbows & Roses, we have been working diligently to envision a year where we could support people’s efforts, dreams and resources to creating peaceful relationships in their lives.

Take a moment to reflect on the following questions:

  • What energy would you have if your relationships were more harmonious?
  • What possibilities and potential within yourself would you embrace and explore if your relationships with those who matter most offered you the connection you desire?
  • What sense of inner empowerment and confidence would increase if you developed an understanding of how to listen and communicate when conflict arises?
  • What blessing would you imagine opening up to if you had new awareness of how you dance and would rather dance in intimate relationships?

Creating peaceful relationships takes work, patience, commitment, and great courage to speak truthfully. It also takes forgiveness as well as LOVE and compassion. We have concentrated on supporting your personal inner awareness and that support is still necessary and part-in-parcel of creating peaceful relationships with others.

We live in relationships. Whether with friends, family, colleagues and co-workers, mentors, animal companions and even with Nature and the Divine, relationships offer us the best mirrors for learning about ourselves – our shadow, our light, our talents and abilities, our best self, our lesser self. So the spaces of our relationships become a wonderful garden of lessons and growth, of fulfilment and connection, of love and grace.

Conflict becomes an opportunity to be curious and seek understanding and different perspectives. It becomes an opportunity to experience our strength and resilience to love and love and love (this is a lesson Nelson Mandela so wonderfully invited us to learn and practice with him).

As you begin to envision creating peaceful relationships in 2014, we invite you to benefit from the various offerings available through Feathers, Rainbows & Roses and also in sending us your questions as they arise in your musings and meanderings.

As a taste of what is to come this year:

  • The 2014 edition of Wisdom’s Way to Creating Peaceful Relationships. This e-workbook focuses on helping you clarify goals to creating peaceful relationships. RELEASE DATE: this week!
  • Reiki Training as a path to inner peace and harmony in relationships.
  • Cultivating Joyful Living: Balancing Self Care within Relationships workshop (SPRING 2014).
  • An audio Peace Meditation you can access as a free resource on my website (COMING IN A COUPLE OF WEEKS).
  • Great reading through blogs and other wonderful offerings.
  • And more to come!

So find a way to join us and begin to cultivate a path of peaceful relationships which sustain your being and soul growth in 2014. And as always, I am available for private sessions to help you on your journey – call or email today to book an appointment.

Happy New Year to everyone.  May all your lessons be blessings and your abundance and rewards be lessons!


Shirley Lynn