Get out your calendars and mark these dates down!
International Peace Day Celebration
Saturday, September 21st 2013 – Join us anytime between 12 – 3 pm
Location: Feathers, Rainbows & Roses office
(865 Sawmill Rd, Bloomingdale, ON)
OPEN TO EVERYONE!! Invite your friends, family, neighbours, etc.
We will celebrate in the ways we know best – Food, free mini Reiki sessions, community.
Cast your vote for the best fall recipe (Submit your best or favourite fall recipe by Sunday, September 15th to Lucy at Each recipe will be made (by Lucy) for our Peace Day Celebration for a light-hearted way of deciding on the Best Fall Recipe of 2013.
*Recipe with the most votes entitles submitter to a Gift Certificate for a 10% discount on any one session or workshop with Feathers, Rainbows & Roses).
Donations will be accepted in honour of Peace Day for Mary’s Place and Project Ploughshares, both reputable and local charities.
4-Part Peace Circle Series!
Opening to Grace: Connection, Acceptance and Wealth of Love
- What if your ‘girl-child’ heard stories and poems of Goddess when growing up?
- What if the collective stories and metaphors of women from history, religion or even modern culture included images of a God/Divine/Creator that looked liked women?
- What if we re-birthed your ‘girl-child’ into your own true divinity, into the Goddess who looks like you?
4 Tuesdays 7:00 – 9:30 pm (Sept 10th, Oct 8th, Nov 12th, Dec 10th)
$275 (+HST)
Join Karen McCarthy & Shirley Lynn in exploring these and other important questions within the safety and care of a Peace Circle process.
Cultivating a Joyful Life:
Balancing Self Care within Relationships
Friday & Saturday, November 1st & 2nd, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Previous participants invariably find that their relationships improve after taking this workshop. Yours can too!
During this dynamic two-day workshop you will:
- Learn the personal steps and boundaries to live a happier and healthier you!
- Be more aware of your personal body-mind connection that makes your choices to happiness clearer;
- Develop positive strategies that move you out of “the drama” to a more secure and empowered belief about what you can do next;
- Learn how your body says yes to what makes you happy and no to what makes you sick;
- Choose relationships, family bonds, and career that awaken the more joyful you;
- Create an action plan to achieve your joyful life.
$285 (+HST)
Note: This workshop is an updated version of my “Fortify your Boundaries” course.
Reiki Level One Training (Shoden)
Friday – Saturday, September 27th & 28th & Saturday, October 5th, 9:30 am – 4:30 pm [3 Days]
Wondering how learning Reiki will benefit you?
- Increase your joy & well-being
- Choose more constructive forms of self-expression
- Develop strategies to deal with anxiety & stress
- Establish stronger concentration & memory skills
- Become more able to look within for answers
You will learn Level One Reiki meditations, Reiki Ryoho history and core spiritual teachings, the Five Principles and how to apply them in your everyday life and the hand positions used to give treatments.
If you wish to speak with previous students, there are students who are happy to share their experiences, insights and what value they received and continue to receive. In addition to the course, I offer on-going support, monthly Reiki Practice nights as well as a free on-line yahoo group for students.
$350 (+HST)
Animal Reiki: Enhancing your Gift of Healing and Connection with Animals
Saturday, November 23rd, 12:30 – 4:30 pm
This half-day workshop will give you new skills, awareness and confidence in offering Reiki to our companion animals. We will share tips and examples to enhance your animal Reiki practice, improve your connection and understanding of animal communication. Follow up consults specific to course content will be offered for one month afterward.
Reiki Level One is a pre-requisite.
This workshop is led by Shirley Lynn Martin and Lucy Martin. Shirley Lynn has been a certified Reiki Master for 15 years and has been blessed with working both with her own animals as well as clients. Lucy is a certified Reiki Level II practitioner, certified small animal acupressure and canine massage practitioner and has also trained in animal communication, as well as been offering dog care and socialization for 5 years.
$75 (+HST)
Reiki Practice Nights:
Spiritual & Reiki Community Development
First Tuesday of the month 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm – September 3rd
A time to be with like-spirited Reiki practitioners to receive and offer treatments. Improve yourself as a Reiki channel and be supported in a community of healing and empowerment. Our focus will be on Spiritual & Reiki Community Development with time for connecting, meditation, Reiju, and Reiki exchanges.
These evenings are open and appropriate for all levels of training.
$20 (+HST)
Healing Techniques & Application
Third Tuesday of the month – September 17th, 7:00 – 9:00 pm
This Reiki Practice Night builds on the techniques, concepts, hand positions, etc we first learned in the Levels trainings. We will be studying Usui’s manual for various illnesses and diseases, as well as Levels I & II resource materials. Focus is on developing skills and understanding concepts related to Reiki – exchanges are not part of this program.
$20 (+HST) [$25+ HST for non-FRR students]
* Open to Reiki students who have studied with other teachers but are seeking additional information, practise and community. So please pass this along to other Reiki practitioners who are not currently in the Feathers, Rainbows & Roses community.
What a line-up! Hope to see you at some of these events. Please follow the links for more detailed information. As always, please remember to register as soon as possible to make planning more effective. Thanks!