Time for a Relationship Detox?

Have you noticed that the sun is warmer and the days are longer? It has been a LONG winter but Spring IS on its way! Sure it’s still cold outside and if you haven’t gone on a tropical vacation (or even if you have), you are probably ‘sick and tired’ of it all. You might be feeling short-tempered and saying or doing things that you regret. You might be feeling sluggish and out of sorts. It’s a challenge to stay positive and motivated through a long drawn-out winter and it is easy to take it out on ourselves and on those closest to us.

Fortunately, a healthier approach will soon be available! How about a relationship detox? Clear out what isn’t working for you and rejuvenate your health and vitality. Join me this Spring for two full days and move out of your ‘winter’ and into your new joy-filled life.

During my upcoming workshop Cultivating Joyful Living: Balancing Self Care Within Relationships you will begin to clarify who you truly are and how you want to re-design your life. You will also benefit from peer support and accountability as you step out into your ‘real’ world and live the change. You will leave this workshop with a clear understanding about the mind/body/spirit connection – to empower you beyond this course with useful skills for your life and relationships.

Get acquainted with your own body-mind connection to clarify what will make you happier and more joy-filled. Learn to listen to your body – what makes you happy and what makes you sick. Find your own inner strength and courage to move out of ‘the drama’ and into a more secure and empowered sense of purpose. Discover and practise the skills essential to choosing the relationships, family bonds and career which reflect this more joyful you.

All this and so much more in two full days of learning, self-reflection, interactive exercises and group  dialogue. You will never be the same again (and you only have yourself to thank!).


Friday & Saturday, May 23-24, 2014

9:00am – 5:00pm

Cost: $285.00 plus HST

What past participants have said about this workshop:

  • “This course has brought me the understanding and courage to look after myself in all aspects of my life. Knowing that I not only need to look after “me”, but that I am capable of doing so brings me peace, strength, love and joy. One of the most intimate relationships I am learning is with myself. I am also gaining a deeper and loving spiritual relationship with the Divine. I am grateful for this, as I have spent many years in conflict with my Higher Power.” Lynda
  • “Since taking the course I take more time to get quiet and ask my “inner-self” what it needs. I am learning to respect my own needs more, even if nobody else needs the same thing or understands why I need it.” Barb

More details about this transformative two-day workshop are available at Cultivating Joyful Living: Balancing Self Care Within Relationships. Or contact Shirley Lynn to discuss how this workshop would benefit you.