It is Christmas in the heart that puts Christmas in the air. W.T. Ellis
As the holiday season fast approaches, I am again reminded to be grateful for all of my wonderful clients, colleagues, friends, neighbours, family and mentors. May this Christmas Blessing touch your heart.
May your inner light shine and grow in radiance
May your giving be as your receiving: full, generous and filled with love.
May your laughter be as frequent as the twinkling of the stars
May your sorrows and sadness be comforted by the whispers of angels who remind you that you are abundantly and infinitely loved, regardless.
May your joy be felt as deeply as the ocean floor
May your compassion be kindly sent to the far corners of the Earth for all our relations
May your pain be transformed by the gift of Grace which guides you and makes you whole
May the circle of Love go round and round and round and round infinitely in your heart.
May you be at ease with a forgiving heart
May you live every moment as though you are confident you are worthy and loved unconditionally
May your peace be anchored in the Infinite Peace.
And if for this season, you have no family to celebrate with or go home to:
May you realize that Infinite Peace is your companion who calms your loneliness and lights your heart with Love so near to you as the tree outside your window.
And if for this season, you cannot be open to Love, may you find quiet time and contemplate the wisdom of Rumi:
Your task is not to seek love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.
Shirley Lynn