It’s the beginning of December but today I find my spirits lightened by the warm sunny day, a true gift at this time of year. My ears note the variety of sounds – the rush of car tires on the street, the bold call of the blue jay, the lighter chatter of smaller birds around the feeders, Carlie sighing somewhat patiently as she waits for something interesting to happen that involves her. A light breeze tickles the wind-chime in the tree outside the window.
Make a joyful noise!
Joy – the emotion of great happiness. I join Carlie for a walk to reflect on what this means. In nature, sounds are part of the day’s rhythms – sometimes they are comradely chatter; sometimes songs of jubilation; other times declarations of warning and posturing. Each species, each element has its own unique sound. But always there is communication. There is a sender and a receiver, both of whom participate in the experience. I tune in to Carlie running with reckless abandon in the weeds and branches on the river banks. The snap of twigs and stirring of leaves make me smile – see it works – my thoughts and feelings are influenced by her joyful tracking of phantom smells.
Make a joyful noise!
In this extended holiday season, we are inundated with all genres of Christmas music that is intended to get us in the holiday spirit. Some appeals to me more than others. For some who spend lots of time in public places, the din of competing voices, commercial activity and music can be anything but joyful. Others find this frenzy of activity exhilarating. Still others enthuse about annual Christmas musical and dramatic performances. It is easy to get caught up in the excitement and busyness of the holidays. After all, it is often a time of festivities with family, friends and communities.
Make a joyful noise!
This phrase is active – it asks us to spread joy through sound. Share a good laugh, a kind word, a beautiful song. Be creative. Be generous.
Make a joyful noise!
submitted by Lucy Martin