Spring is an incredible time of death and new life, of purification and resurrection. This past weekend, I buried a hawk that froze to death during the cold snap, my cat of 25 years that transitioned over Christmas, and I offered blessings to various other critters that froze or died in other ways from the long cold winter and now lay exposed after the spring thaw. Ironically, this time of burial comes close to the Easter story of death and resurrection which struck me in a new way this year.
Although I am not an active participant in any church at this time, I continue to reflect upon the perennial narratives and wisdom of various world religions to glean insight and wisdom for my own personal transformation and joyous living. With that in mind, I invite you to wonder with me where your own faith supports and awakens you to a more fulfilling and rich experience of Spirit and your human life and relationships.
The incredible gift in burying these creatures was feeling how incredibly true to their essence and purpose in life they remained. The joy I felt as I released the bodies into the ground, honouring their hearts, lives and spirits for the betterment of the entire planet is strangely beyond words. Carlie and Rayna respected the ceremony and made no attempts to disturb or disrupt the intention to return to Spirit those who had shared life with us. They ran and played around me and the bodies, but left them untouched.
Instead, Carlie and Rayna ran about smelling and sniffing the new life emerging from the ground after the long cold winter. Little shoots of daffodils and crocuses were coming up, seeking sun and life extending beyond the ground, their cave. In the Easter narrative, the stone is rolled away, offering us the opportunity to extend our life beyond the death, beyond the depression, the loss, the trauma of what we may have experienced. Though we may have experienced deep and profound pain in our life, we are never meant to stay in the death of it, to remain a victim of it. We are meant to rise again, to resurrect ourselves through the Divine extraordinary gift of love and service to us—to thrive.
As I was digging (and then broke the shovel and had to buy a new one!), having extended time to complete this ceremony, I was encouraged to reflect upon the incredible Divine Love offered to us in this natural cycle of life and transition. The joy I felt in this little ceremony with Nature and her inhabitants invited me to remember again that Divine Love only gives life, inviting us to thrive. Even when we experience darkness, death, the black hole or cave of our depression, trauma or shame, guilt consciousness that robs us of life, we are gifted with the wisdom to cultivate new life. We don’t need to look very far … typically just outside our windows or in the neighbourhood park. How profound is that love! A covenant love that always promises new life, more abundant love, a love that never ends!
So why is it that we are so frequently disconnected and what can we do? Recently I was aware of the negative impact of my doubt upon my life. My coach asked me what the opposite of doubt is for me and without hesitation, I offered, belief and faith. When I believe that I am loved in this extravagant, abundant life-giving way, doubt is contained. It doesn’t get fertilized. It was a reminder – rather than worry about my doubt at what isn’t working or didn’t happen or what isn’t coming into realization just yet, I’m invited to thrive anyway!
Here are a few ways I nurture my faith to thrive (to live in Love):
- Upon waking and before going to sleep I give thanks for the day and ask my Higher Self/Christ Self (or whatever language that fits for you) to guide me and support me to do what I must do, to think what gives me life and positive perspective, and to speak what gives life to me and others on this day.
- When I meditate, I practise surrender and letting go into Universal Love asking for healing and empowerment to live my purpose and grow in love.
- I enjoy a morning walk with our dogs and stay open to the connection to Nature and commune with Her for inner sustenance and deeper awareness of the flow of life.
- I spend some time reading what enhances my belief in what is good, what feeds my purpose and expands my inner perspective.
- I follow my inner guidance for what gives me balance and inner peace in my life. I take time out and honour my needs as I do others.
- Do activities and spend time on goals aligned with my vision for love, for peace, for happy community.
I know there are other ways I enhance my faith so that I can thrive (I am not a victim to my life), but these are core to me. I invite you to write out your own core ways that help you increase and nurture your faith. Make sure you do them when life is good, so they are a reflex when life presents its challenges.
As I placed the last shovel of dirt over the buried bodies, I experienced their spirit’s deep gratitude for honouring their lives and their purpose. They are happy and free and whole. Namaste.
In Peace, Shirley Lynn
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Cost: $285 plus HST
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CULTIVATING JOYFUL LIVING: Balancing Self Care Within Relationships