Carlie and I have been preparing for our first correction/fun match in Rally Obedience. So this past Saturday I set up a Rally course so Carlie, Rayna and I could train together. The course had a good amount of challenge to it for the novice category. I set it up in a way that really tested our skills and teamwork.
We love to train together, but over the past few months I sensed we had lost our edge together for training. Not that either of us wanted to stop as we both love to learn and explore our potential together. But something was missing and I was trying to figure it out. I tried various strategies to improve drive and skill. Then one day, I heard her say, ‘listen to your heart, the answer is in your heart’.
I listened to my heart and I didn’t hear anything. I asked Goddess/Reiki/Great Universe to show me the way. I waited and then listened again for the past two months. Yesterday, the answer finally came. Simply, calmly, perfectly clear and elegant.
The course was set up and as Carlie and I went to the starting point, these words gently came forward from my heart: “Carlie, this is a very tricky course, so we are really going to have to think. You really need to pay attention and think about what we are doing. It’s a really tricky game this time.” I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. She sat beside me in perfect heel position, looked at the course and then at me, as if to say, “I’m with you and I’m ready!” We did okay, but because I could tell she was really with me, I was also able to clearly see what I could do differently to help her be even more successful.

After our first run, I gave Rayna a turn. I told her a similar message. She had watched Carlie and I had noticed how she was observing Carlie’s concentration (Carlie is often her model at learning new games). A great run! I switched them up and Carlie’s next run was much improved. Switched. Rayna’s run was awesome. Switched and Carlie went one more time. Awesome run!! We were all so excited. We finished our training session at this high point of success. Good training always leaves them feeling successful and eager to do more. It creates a strong work ethic and joy for the game and the partnership founded in love.
In the Mumford & Sons song ‘Awake my Soul’, they hauntingly sing “In these bodies we will live. In these bodies we will die. Where you invest your life, you invest your love.”
Carlie and I live in our bodies and we know we will die in these bodies. Right now, we have this life, not another one, but this one. If I spend my time wishing for something other or regret what I’ve failed to do in the past, I will miss the opportunity that is right in front of me to invest my life in my love for her as we are right here, right now! I was reminded again of how much she loves and enjoys the ‘game’, the ‘puzzling it out’, ‘thinking through the trick’. I had lost sight of the heart of who she is. The answer lay within my heart, waiting to emerge in the right moment when I was listening and would have the most impact.
David Augsberger states that for most people, being deeply listened to is equivalent to being deeply loved. If you are in conflict with someone, or there just seems to be something flat, like something went missing, like with Carlie and I, then stop and really listen to your heart. The answer is there. And whatever is in the way of the message coming forward, you must make the effort to release it, heal it, transform it, re-frame it. And you may also need to be patient. The answer may not emerge immediately. And if it hasn’t been revealed, it may be because the right moment to make the most impact hasn’t presented itself yet.
Often we are coached to take action and make it happen, to exercise our personal will to manifest what we want. However, in the real spiritual centre of Oneness and the spiritual freedom of the Great Universe, we align with the Love and Will that already exists in the Universal Mind/Goddess/Creator. And in this state of alignment and openness, we receive the wisdom and our greatest desires are manifested. It will come to us.
Make Love your life investment. It will require you to listen – to listen deeply, to listen in ways that may be new, to listen to answers that are clear and devoid of drama and ego, and to listen to what is authentic to you even though others may not ‘get it’.
Listening from the heart to invest in Love will bring you incredible answers in the right moment with perfect impact for transformative results. Practise listening as an expression of love this February.
Create space to listen to your heart.
Really listen. Without judgement.
It will deepen your self respect. Your outcomes to choices will be more clear and simple. Your sense of what is good and true will be strengthened. The way you relate with your environment and relationships around you will become more peaceful. Your life and consciousness will evolve and mature. And when crises hit, you are better trained to stay calm and resilient.
Shirley Lynn