What is better than this? Announcing my First Year Anniversary Promotion
I have truly enjoyed and been grateful for my decision one year ago to move my office to the Elmira Wellness Centre. Even though it was a stressful time for me, this new space has generated new energy and vision for me and my business.
I have come to realize that my core mission is to facilitate clients in creating and nurturing peaceful relationships – with themselves as well as with others in their lives. This theme of peaceful relationships reaches into so many facets of our lives – how we relate with ourselves (physical, spiritual, emotional health), our relations with others (family, friends, animals/pets, co-workers, neighbours, etc.), our relations with Nature, to name but a few.
When we view our world through the lens of relationships, questions invariably arise about where and how we fit in, where we belong. As we examine these questions, we often realize that where and who we are now isn’t necessarily our true and highest self. Change and growth are in the making.
As the New Year approaches, it seems fitting to reflect on What is better than this? As I strive for more peaceful relationships in my life, what sense of belonging and connection can I create or accept which is better than this?
If you are ready to contemplate and work with these questions in the presence of sacred witnessing, I invite you to set up an appointment with me today. Let’s sort out what needs to be released from your life and courageously seek out what is better for you now and into the new year.
To get you moving toward what is better for you, I invite you to take advantage of my First Year Anniversary Promotion. Meet with me before December 23rd 2014 and receive a 15% discount on your next appointment in January 2015.
Concerned about the winter weather? Ask me about long-distance energy therapy and phone sessions as alternatives to in-office visits. What is better than this?
Shirley Lynn