Lessons about Blooming from the Flowers

This weekend has been a wacky one in terms of weather – cold, rain, snow/sleet, wind. A bitter reminder that we are not in charge. My little Rottie friend Rayna who is unapologetic about being a fair-weather girl (not too hot or cold or wet please) was not at all thrilled with the idea of walking (outside!) in this misery.

But it did give me an insight I may have missed with nicer, more agreeable weather. I observed how the flowers (and yes, dandelions too) currently in bloom have protected themselves against the elements – they have tightened their petals to shield their core (the parts inside the flower related to reproduction). They are still vibrant and attractive but not open to the damaging conditions that ultimately could affect its ability to pollinate and reproduce (a key purpose of a plant).

I began to think about how this is a good analogy for our own lives. We talk a lot about growing and blooming into our best self and life purpose, and this is desirable and good. But the flowers remind us that even in the midst of our peak times of purpose and brilliant confidence, we need to protect our core, our essential self from the less than desirable environment we may find ourselves in.

How do we do this? How do we protect our inner core from being whipped about by the wind, from having our spirits dampened by the rain, our growth restrained by the cold? What inner reserves are necessary to ride out the storms and challenges until the warmer air and sunshine return?

For me, a few ideas come to mind. One is preparation – planning ahead and gathering the necessary resources for these inevitable challenges to our perfect blooming. The petals serve as perfectly sized boundaries that shield our inner core from harm. Another is resilience – having the strength and confidence to know that ‘this too shall pass’. And finally, having a sustainable growth – too slow or too fast makes us more susceptible to the elements or a less than ideal environment. We can’t always help or change where we are planted but we can thrive nevertheless. As Mary noted a few weeks ago, a tulip she planted upside down overcame this challenge and rose into full bloom anyway.

What are the key elements that you have (or need) in your life to thrive and reach full bloom? What petals do you need to develop to protect your self from harm? Are you in need of some help with managing your growth and blooming? Call or email to make an appointment with Shirley Lynn for skilled support and guidance as you face the challenges that keep you from your most vibrant colourful blooming.

Wishing you a vibrant Spring!

submitted by Lucy Martin